Risk Management

Risk...risk.. "dangerisk"...

While surfing the web a found a definition of risk, it says that if risk is a noun or a transitive verb it can be define as a chance of injury, damage or insures loss, a hazard.....And we all know that every project has its own risky risk(hehehe). And sometimes we need to take that risk for it may lead to improvement, but still risk can also be define as our liability, so in order for us to not to take "too much" chances we might come up controlling risk or mitigating it or what we call "risk management". Just like what we(thesis proponent) are dealing with.Here are some of those risk and mitigation in order for us not to be always "on the rocks".

Risk Management

  • Lack of time management
-this can always lead to cramming
-to avoid this the proponents had a time schedule, a project plan. Different Project management methods are used such as PERT/CPM, milestone, gantt chart etc.
  • Scattered Works
-lead to un matched solution
-in order for the proponents to avoid this they always had a group meeting . Even if the proponents have different duties in the development they still encure that "what each did... eveyone must know".
  • Lack of Resources and Experience
- the proponents study the problems and agendas for them to flow smoothly.

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